Cocaine for the Nervous System

We did a powerful Kriya in yoga recently for being in the flow. The teacher called it "cocaine for the nervous system".

Think about those times when things go smoothly. You find yourself in the right place, at the right time. Life just feels right, and doors seem to magically open. Creativity and inspiration move through you. You are in the flow.

When you live in kriya, your actions align with your soul's purpose. You trust that the road of life is leading you exactly where you need to go. You open your life to limitless energy, inspiration, and ideas.

You know what I'm talking about. The opposite can be felt just as tangibly. It can feel like you're frazzled and hitting roadblocks.

l left yoga feeling so at peace. As if my very soul was given a huge hug. My eyes shined brighter. My nervous system felt perfectly balanced.

Having a balanced nervous system is just as important as balancing your blood sugar or keeping your lipids under control. Be sure to pay attention to the aspects of our health not often talked about, especially in mainstream medicine. It is all connected…..

Please take care of yourself.




Gut Healing Protocol Tidbits


Do you have anxiety.. and gut issues?