What is one thing you can do for Insomnia, PMS, and Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Get outside first thing in the morning!

As diurnal creatures, the pineal gland is the pacesetter for many of our circadian rhythms. When we are exposed to sunlight (or a sun lamp) in the morning, our nocturnal melatonin production occurs sooner, and we enter into sleep more easily at night. It has also been shown to be effective against PMS and SAD.

What other roles does it play? It works against infection, inflammation, cancer, autoimmunity, and UVR-induced skin damage.

Even wearing sunglasses can prevent the beneficial effects of sunlight. Taking them off for just 10-15 minutes can help deliver the positive effects and then you can put them right back on!

If you need help figuring out what other lifestyle factors you can incorporate to help manage Insomnia, PMS, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, feel free to reach out. I am here to help!

Please take care of yourself!


Dr. Alia


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